Two ribbons come to life from a single source, chasing each other creating spirals and volutes. They intertwine in an impetuous motion of pure energy, which escapes and craves its corporeal base. The Marcello Moretti Fine Art Gallery in Venice presents Arythmie, the solo exhibition by Jean-Christophe Clair, on display from 10th April to 12th May 2024.

The Arythmie project was born from Jean Christophe Clair's deep interest in baroque music and above all in his seventeenth-century singing, which he has been experimenting with for years as a professional. The work Arythmie I, saw the light of day in 2022, exhibited at the Milan Triennale on the occasion of "Fittile: Italian artistic craftsmanship in contemporary ceramics" and in Paris in the Negropontes gallery during "Dialogues". Subsequently, the artist designed a large series of works in majolica, shaped, tied with terracotta ribbons and decorated by hand, where the art of ceramics and baroque art are associated in a close dialogue of matter and form. A contrasting rhythm that captivates and repels the gaze from codified reality. Arythmie, an enveloping and incessant baroque air, an entrelac of music and ceramics that links the multifaceted artistic paths of its author. The strength and energy of the movement explode in the heated dualism between the corporeality of the vase and the free movement of the ribbons: an impetuous duet for two voices, which expressly recalls baroque musicality. Two singing lines that erupt freely but supported by the deep line of the continuous bass. The play of contrasts intensifies in the choice of colours, which appear vivid and intense - from black to dark green, from cobalt blue to blue and turquoise. The static reality is charged with energy and dissolves in a free and bold movement, with a strong metaphorical meaning, which invites us to free ourselves from conventions and reflects the curious and eclectic personality of the artist. Marcello Moretti Fine Art, Calle dei Orbi 3080, Venezia - Vaporetto stop: linea 2 - S.Samuele.